Tuesday, July 8, 2008

If things were normalized...

Andrew Wessley crunched some numbers today and found the following...


League Avg Score per week: 336pts

Record if playing against league average every week:

Would be playoff teams at this point:

COCK: 9-5 (DR = 0, DS = +3)*
Zou: 9-5 (DR = -1, DS = +1)*
HH: 8-6 (DR= -3, DS= -2)#
PCO: 8-6 (DR = -3, DS = -3)#

*Division Winner
#Wild Card

HH and PCO get playoff spots over BSI based on total points scored.
The Rest:

BSI: 8-6 (DR = +2, DS= +2)
BGtD: 7-7 (DR= +3, DS= +1)
SPR: 6-8 (DR = +2, DS= 0)
CRN: 6-8 (DR=-1, DS= -2)
KC: 5-9 (DR= +1, DS= 0)
KS: 3-11 (DR= -1, DS= 0)

DR = Difference in Record
DS = Difference in Standings

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