Because ESPN is gay...Due to ineptitude, ESPN is being forced to reset the rosters of every single fantasy baseball league in its system in order to fix problems it has. Personally, I think some ESPN geek had a Blackhawk-like start and wanted to reset the system to erase it.
Anyway, here is my plan. I have recorded everyone's roster as it is for today, April 11. When ESPN resets the rosters, I will then unset the draft and do the following:
1) Curse several times under my breath. Or outloud. Depends on my mood.
2) Insert everyones current roster.
3) Add five bench spots to everyone's roster and ax the idea of a minor league system.
4) Cry for a little while.
5) If all of the scores are incorrect and/or results have been changed, I will go back and correct them.
I am currently keeping track of everyone's stats from tonight's games so that the score will be tomorrow as it should have been had ESPN been smart enough to have a Left Fielder. Wait, that was the Smurfs. Sorry. I mean if ESPN had a brain.
Sorry about ESPN being stupid. At least you get free Fantasy Insider and a free Premium Fantasy Football team from a web site that doesn't know how to operate correctly. That's a bonus.
BY the way, nice timing Kimball.
Ben Nielsen
PS E-mail, Facebook, IM, or call me if you have any questions, concerns or comments. Or leave a comment on the blog.
Scores through the Twilight Zone at 6:45 p.m.:300* CHEATERSmurfs LF
Tones *&^
KC MOSchilbies Pansy
Blackhawks suck
The Zou rugay?
1 comment:
ESPN can't help it.....they were born that way!!!
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